
Friday, August 22, 2014

5 Ways We Homeschool On A Budget

If you have known me any amount of time you know I am straight shooter. I don't sugar coat anything. So I can't lie when people ask me if homeschooling is expensive. My first answer would be yes then I would say but...there are lots of ways to keep it in check. I wouldn't want anyone to shy away from homeschooling out of fear it was going to break the bank. Today I am going to share 5 ways our family saves money on supplies/curriculum then I am going to link you up! That leads me to number 1....

1. Internet! If you have internet (and a printer see number 2) you have unlimited access to many free or low cost educational tools. 

2. Printer! Plain and simple. If you have a printer the possibilities are endless. If there was one thing I would say every homeschooler needs I would say make sure you have a printer!

3. Buy used and/or borrow! You never know what your friends are holding onto for a younger child that they might be willing to loan you during the time their family isn't going to be able to use it. I lucked up our first year and someone loaned me our science, then the next year someone loaned me a math, and this year someone loaned us pre-algebra. Also, buy used. There are tons of sites and facebook groups out there that cater just to this. I can not begin to tell you all the wonderful deals I have gotten buying used. The best place to start when buying used would be to ask your friends. 

4. Library! Several of the curriculum choices I made included lots of "readers" and living books. These can be expensive. But most of the time your local library will have the titles. If they don't ask about inter-library exchange. At my library all you had to do was pay the return shipping and they would help you find books and borrow from their "sister" libraries. 

5. Pinterest! I love pintrest for school. It has endless possibilities. If you are homeschooling "little's" I would go out on a limb and say you could mostly school for free using resources you find on pinterest. (Just remember to have that printer ;) )

Homeschooling doesn't have to cost a lot to be done right. Today we have resources at our finger tips thanks to the world wide web. Take advantage of it.  For me this is the number 1 way we save money on homeschooling so I have put together a huge link list for those of you who are just getting your feet wet. (Click on the blue words to follow the links.)

The biggest list of freebies for homeschoolers. This has to be my favorite list of freebies. Plus I love her blog and pinterest boards.

Be sure to check out the Affording The Homeschool Lifestyle fb page.

Easy Peasy All In One Homeschool all inclusive curriculum wrote for homeschoolers by a homeschooling mom.

Homeschool for free resource lists here and here

Free typing lessons 

There are also tons of resources on pinterest. You can take a look at my homeschool related boards.
Teaching Tools, Season Teaching and Cooper School

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