
Monday, April 25, 2016

12 Weeks

Since this is my 7th pregnancy and 4th baby (I've had 3 losses) I am not sure I'll update every week but I think I'll shoot for every other week. I think it is very important to embrace and celebrate every milestone we achieve in this pregnancy. Pregnancy after loss is a horse of a different color and I want to cherish every minute with my "Baby Boo".

YAY! We made it 12 weeks for someone with my history this is a HUGE milestone!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along: I am 12 weeks and 4 days
Size of Baby Boo: He or she is the size of a plum. 
Total weight loss/gain: I initially lost about 5 pounds but I have gained about 1 pound back. I am finally feeling not as sick so I might start gaining now :) I am ok with gaining as long as Baby is growing.
Maternity Clothes: Not just yet. I am however choosing my elastic waist, stretchy clothes along with dresses over anything else. Since I'll be pregnant all summer I think I'll live in cool sun dresses for ease and comfort. 
Gender: We have a little while to go before we will know the gender. But we will be finding out. A friend along with our oldest daughter are going to throw a revel party that means we won't know until party day! I am thinking girl and Michael is thinking boy so we'll see.
Movement: I know Baby Boo is moving but it's still a 
 little early for me to feel it. But I can not wait to feel those sweet flutters and kicks and share them with my family.
Cravings: Chicken fingers! Pickles! Dr.Pepper! The soda is funny because I normally don't drink sodas.
Symptoms: I am starting to feel better and not nearly as sick as I had been. I am exhausted! Like I could sleep all day every day and still be tired! 
Best moment this week: We got to see Baby Boo and hear that glorious heartbeat! 

We're Back

After a one year break we're back and we have an announcement...

I took a long time off from blogging. In all honesty I took a long break from life in general. I spent the last year finding myself, working on me, healing and finding my way back to my spirituality. The loss of a pregnancy last spring sent me into a very dark place and I needed time to find my way back. I am so thankful for the steadfast love of my husband, unlimited grace of my child and one friend who was there no matter what. I feel like I am finally back to me. It wasn't an easy journey but here I am. Changed...hopefully for the better.

Part of my year was spent working on my health and weight loss. I was successful and lost and kept off almost 40 pounds. Doing this helped improve my over all health and my out of control hormones. My goal during this part of my journey was to become healthy so that I could conceive on my own and carry a healthy pregnancy. Well I am excited to announce...

We're pregnant!!!! We did so on our own without the help of doctors or medicines. Our little "Baby Boo" is due November 3 but will likely make his or her arrival  a bit earlier (since all our babies like to come a little early). Michael and I along with our children are absolutely excited. We know this baby is nothing short of a miracle and that God is very much in the restoration business. We can not wait to meet our little rainbow baby this fall!

Just a couple quick shots of our little "Baby Boo" at our 10 wk appointment. He or she has a wonderful strong heart beat and is growing on schedule.