
Friday, May 1, 2015

Three Days

It accrued to me that I had never blogged or formally written down the amazing testimony of when Cooper our youngest child was healed. I almost can't believe I've never written this down considering this one event drastically changed Michael and I along with shaping us into the believers we are today. It's strange that as I sit here in front of my computer some 6 years later I am still so in awe of what God did I have a difficult time finding my words.

In the spring of 2009 when Cooper was about 8 months old I was at a play date with a close friend. She mentioned to me that she had noticed that Coopers head was rather flat across the back and wondered if I had asked my doctor about it. I had mentioned it to one doctor in the practice we regularly visited and he had kind of blown me off. However I really trusted this friends opinion considering her daughter who was the same age as Cooper was awaiting cranial reconstructive surgery for  craniosynostosis. Upon her suggestion we visited another pediatrician with in our group for a second opinion. It was at this second appointment when we realized Cooper too had a possible early fusion of the sutures in his skull and would require x-rays and a visit to a neruo surgeon at Children's Hospital. Before I left his office we discussed the effects of this issue in relation to some delays Cooper was experiencing. To the best of our knowledge we too seemed to be facing craniosynostosis.

I remember loading Cooper into the van and heading home. I was so angry that our baby might be facing yet another hurdle after all we had done to get him here healthy and whole. The very thought that something else could be going wrong brought me to a dark dark place spiritually. I cried out to God as I headed home. When I got home I did something that to this day shocks even me. I picked up the phone and instead of calling Michael I called my pastor. I can't remember anything I said to him other than "pray that when we visit the neuro surgeon they think we're there for no reason." My pastor asked me to keep Cooper out of the nursery that Sunday and bring him for prayer. He wanted a chance to lay hands on Cooper and have the entire congregation pray for him. That evening when Michael came home from work I told him about our doctors visit and my call to the pastor. Michael's reaction was classic Michael. He was so calm and just knew everything was going to be ok. (You see Michael posses the spiritual gift of faith and at the time just didn't know it yet.) As usual Michael put Cooper to bed that night, he said later that he prayed for Cooper and that he knew Cooper was going to be okay. I wasn't so sure by now a real case of fear had set in and I wasn't sure if God could work a miracle in our lives or Coopers.

That Sunday morning we kept Cooper in service with us. During prayer request our pastor asked us to come forward with Cooper. He, his wife, the youth minister and his wife along with Michael and I laid hands on Cooper while the congregation stretched their hands out in agreement. I had never in all my years as a Christian seen anyone lay hands on someone and pray for them. It was a remarkable gesture. Everyone was in agreement for Cooper's healing and that when we saw our neuro surgeon he would wonder why we were even there.

On Wednesday night while talking with the youth ministers wife we realized Coopers head had already began to change shape. It was no longer completely flat on the back and was rounding off. THREE DAYS and we were already seeing God move and work. WOW! I remember being in complete and total awe of what He was doing. I had been so angry and full of fear and yet He was still working in my life and in Cooper's life even when I lacked faith.

We visited Children's Hospital in Birmingham later that month. Michael and his dad both accompanied me for the visit. I remember them sending in a resident first to asses the situation. The resident would rub Cooper's head and look at the chart. He did this over and over again several times before saying he was going to consult with the other surgeon. Then that surgeon came in rubbed Cooper's head and looked his chart. This went on several times before the resident actually asked if we were sure we even needed to be there. He said Cooper's head was perfectly round and nothing like what they had in the chart! He said there was no explanation on why his head was now round if just weeks before it had been so flat. We knew the explanation! God had healed our baby!

Looking back on this event I can truly say God gave us a miracle. Sometimes I think I needed to see a miracle to help grow my faith. Sometimes I think the people around us needed to see a miracle to know God still works in this way. And sometimes I think it is all part of the testimony God has given us to share with the world. Here's the thing God is big I think He knew I would be angry, I think He knew Michael would exercise great faith and I think He knew all along that in the end we would shout from the roof tops about this great thing He had done.

This single event changed my spiritual life. It changed Michael's spiritual life. Most of all it changed how we see God and how we teach our children about God. You see God is exactly the same today as He was when He gave Abraham and Sarah a baby at 100+ yrs of age, He is the same as He was when He spoke creation into existence, He is the same as He was when He sent His son to be born of a virgin, He is the same as He was when Jesus rose after 3 days. HE NEVER CHANGES!

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